- (франц., произн. реври) греза, мечтание; служит нередко названием пьес соответственного характера.
Музыкальный словарь Римана. - Москва, Лейпциг. Г. Риман, Ю.Д. Энгель. 1904.
Музыкальный словарь Римана. - Москва, Лейпциг. Г. Риман, Ю.Д. Энгель. 1904.
rêverie — [ rɛvri ] n. f. • 1580; « délire » déb. XIIIe; de rêver 1 ♦ Vieilli Activité de l esprit qui médite, qui réfléchit. ⇒ 1. pensée, réflexion. « L analyse d un mot, sa physionomie, son histoire étaient pour Lambert l occasion d une longue rêverie »… … Encyclopédie Universelle
reverie — REVERÍE, reverii, s.f. Visare. ♦ Piesă vocală sau instrumentală de mici proporţii, cu caracter visător. – Din fr. réverie. Trimis de LauraGellner, 08.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 REVERÍE s. contemplaţie, meditaţie, vis, visare. (Cufundat în reverie.) … Dicționar Român
Reverie — may refer to:* A daydream * Reverie, Tennessee, a small town in Tipton County, Tennessee, United States * Reverie (Band), a rock and roll band from Chicago, Illinois, United States * Rêverie, a song by Claude Debussy … Wikipedia
reverie — (n.) mid 14c., wild conduct, frolic, from O.Fr. reverie revelry, raving, delirium, from resver to dream, wander, rave, of uncertain origin (also the root of rave). Meaning daydream is first attested 1650s. As a type of musical composition, it is… … Etymology dictionary
reverie — [rev′ə rē] n. [Fr rêverie < MFr, delirium < rever, roam: see RAVE] 1. dreamy thinking or imagining, esp. of agreeable things; fanciful musing; daydreaming 2. a dreamy, fanciful, or visionary notion or daydream … English World dictionary
Reverie — Rev er*ie, Revery Rev er*y, n.; pl. {Reveries}. [F. r[ e]verie, fr. r[^e]ver to dream, rave, be light headed. Cf. {Rave}.] 1. A loose or irregular train of thought occurring in musing or mediation; deep musing; daydream. Rapt in nameless reveries … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Rêverie — (franz.: Träumerei) ist der Titel zahlreicher Kompositionen (wie Nr. 7 aus Robert Schumanns Kinderszenen) der Titel eines Portraits der Jeanne Samary von Auguste Renoir der Titel einer Lithographie von Alphonse Mucha … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rêverie — (franz.), Träumerei … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Rêverie — (frz., spr. räw rih), Träumerei … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
reverie — index contemplation, figment, introspection, preoccupation, reflection (thought) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
rêverie — /rɛ vri/ s.f., fr. [der. di rêve sogno ], in ital. invar. [condizione di chi si abbandona al fantasticare] ▶◀ fantasia, fantasticheria, sogno … Enciclopedia Italiana